Come si presenta il melanoma?

Come si presenta il melanoma?
Il melanoma insorge a causa della crescita e della proliferazione incontrollata dei “melanociti”, le cellule che producono la “melanina”, il pigmento che dà colore a pelle, occhi, capelli e protegge la cute dai raggi ultravioletti (UV) della luce solare.
Why is melanoma such a deadly skin cancer?
- Because melanoma roots in the deepest layers of the skin, it can also spread to other parts of the body, even to the organs. And because of this, melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer.
What happens if melanoma goes untreated?
- Melanoma when left untreated can cause a variety of symptoms. Some patients may not have any symptoms until the disease advances significantly. General symptoms such as fatigue and weakness can sometimes develop. Lastly there can be pain if there is significant growth of melanoma cells in certain parts of the body.
What happens when you are diagnosed with melanoma?
- You should see your doctor if you find any new lump or change in your skin. You should also report any new symptoms (for example, pain, cough, fatigue, loss of appetite) that don’t go away. Melanoma can sometimes come back many years after it was first treated.
Who is most likely to get melanoma?
- A male aged over 70 years old is 10 times more likely to develop melanoma than a 30-year-old man. A female aged over 70 years old is 4 times more likely to develop melanoma than a female of 30. But, melanoma is the most common cancer type in males aged between 25 and 40 years, and in females aged between 15 and 24 years.