Perché il massacro delle foibe?

Perché il massacro delle foibe?

Perché il massacro delle foibe?

Eccidi a Trieste e in Istria I baratri venivano usati per l'occultamento di cadaveri con tre scopi: eliminare gli oppositori politici e i cittadini italiani che si opponevano (o avrebbero potuto opporsi) alle politiche del Partito Comunista di Jugoslavia di Tito.

Chi ha fatto il massacro delle foibe?

Con il crollo del regime - siamo ancora alla fine del 1943 - i fascisti e tutti gli italiani non comunisti vennero considerati nemici del popolo, prima torturati e poi gettati nelle foibe. Morirono, si stima, circa un migliaio di persone.

What is a foibe massacre?

  • Foibe massacres. The " foibe massacres ," or simply " the foibe ," literally refers to mass killings by which the corpses were thrown into foibas (deep natural sinkholes; by extension also mine shafts etc.), perpetrated mainly by Yugoslav Partisans, mainly in Venezia Giulia, Istria and Dalmatia, against the local Italian population,...

What does foibe stand for?

  • The foibe massacres, or simply the foibe, refers to mass killings both during and after World War II, mainly committed by Yugoslav Partisans against the local ethnic Italian population ( Istrian Italians and Dalmatian Italians ), mainly in Julian March, Istria, Kvarner and Dalmatia.

What happened to the Basovizza foibe?

  • At the end of the war, near the site of the most famous Basovizza foibe, a big battle took place between Germans and Yugoslav forces, and after the battle local villagers threw dead German soldiers and horses into the mine shaft. After the war the Basovizza foibe was used by the Italian authorities as a garbage dump.

Is there any investigation of the foibe in Italy?

  • Investigations of the foibe. No investigation of the crimes had been initiated either by Italy, Yugoslavia or any international bodies, until after Slovenia became an independent country in 1991. Italian-Slovene relations in the relevant period (1880s to 1950s) have been under intensive study by historians since 1990.

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