Quanto si paga per salire sulla Tour Eiffel?

Quanto si paga per salire sulla Tour Eiffel?

Quanto si paga per salire sulla Tour Eiffel?

prezzi dei biglietti della torre eiffel
Tariffa AdultoTariffa Ragazzo (da 12 a 24 anni)
Biglietto ascensore 2° piano16,70€8,40€
Biglietto ascensore Sommità26,10€13,10€
Biglietto scale 2° piano10,50€5,20€
Biglietto scale + ascensore Sommità19,90€9,90€

Che tipo di struttura è la torre Eiffel?

La struttura in ferro battuto è composta di quattro immensi basamenti arcuati, poggiati su pontili in muratura, che si incurvano internamente unendosi in un'unica torre affusolata. La costruzione della torre richiedette 2,5 milioni di rivetti applicati termicamente e 7300 tonnellate di acciaio.

How to tour the Eiffel Tower?

  • Tour Eiffel - Invalides - 7e Arrondissement. Book. A not-to-be-missed monument and symbol of the capital, the Eiffel Tower stands 324 m tall, and weighs 10,100 tons. Created in 2 years, 2 months and 5 days, it was built for the Exposition Universelle of 1889. You can go up the Eiffel Tower by the stairs or by lift.

How to buy Eiffel Tower tickets for RSA summit?

  • The ID card and proof of RSA membership for all beneficiaries must be presented when tickets are checked. The Eiffel Tower’s online box office allows you to purchase your ticket online for the 2nd floor or the Summit at the official rate. You can purchase individual tickets for up to 9 people. Tickets can also be purchased several weeks in advance.

How far in advance can I buy tickets to the Eiffel Tower?

  • Lined out or grayed out dates are no longer available. If there is no more online availability, note that tickets to visit the Eiffel Tower are also sold on site at the ticket offices at the monument. Regardless, we sell our tickets online up to 60 days in advance (for lift tickets) and 7 days in advance (for stairs tickets).

Are there security checks at the Eiffel Tower?

  • There are mandatory security checks at the Eiffel Tower’s entrance and before entering one of the pillars. If you’re a business/professional, you should complete your purchase at our business box office. At the top of the Eiffel Tower, enjoy the highest view of Paris and its surroundings.

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