Come riconoscere una fistola sacro-coccigea?

Come riconoscere una fistola sacro-coccigea?
Sintomi della fistola sacro-coccigea
- Arrossamento della pelle.
- Dolore alla base della colonna vertebrale.
- Pus o sangue dalla zona colpita.
- Potrebbe comparire febbre in caso di infezione grave.
- Una cisti pilonidale ha dimensioni variabili e può apparire come una piccola fossetta oppure può coprire un'area più ampia.
What is the medical definition of sacrococcygeal?
- Medical Definition of sacrococcygeal : of, relating to, affecting, or performed by way of the region of the sacrum and coccyx a sacrococcygeal teratoma Learn More About sacrococcygeal Dictionary Entries Near sacrococcygeal
Where does sacrococcygeal pain come from?
- Sacrococcygeal pain syndromes: diagnosis and treatment Sacrococcygeal pain can arise from the sacrococcygeal joint, from contiguous structures sharing the same innervation, or from distant sites.
Is sacrococcygeal joint synovial or cartilage?
- Sacrococcygeal joint (Articulatio sacrococcygea) The sacrococcygeal joint is an articulation between the apex of the sacrum and the base of the coccyx (tailbone). This joint is a symphysis, having the two bones lined by hyaline cartilage and connected by an interposed fibrous disc. In some individuals, the joint might be synovial.
What does sacrococcygeal teratoma mean?
- : of, relating to, affecting, or performed by way of the region of the sacrum and coccyx a sacrococcygeal teratoma.