Cosa vuol dire Comfortably Numb?

Cosa vuol dire Comfortably Numb?
Comfortably Numb, una delle canzoni più amate dei Pink Floyd, contenuta in The Wall (1979), melodia e musica di David Gilmour e testo di Waters, descrive una situazione di smarrimento: il protagonista della scena che lentamente si delinea è qualcuno che viene anestetizzato prima di entrare in scena.
In che album è Comfortably Numb?
The Wall Comfortably Numb/Album Contenuta nel leggendario album The Wall uscito nel 1979, questa canzone, in realtà, è scaturita da una session di registrazione del 1978 dedicata all'album di debutto come solista di Gilmour, un progetto che fa comprendere come stessero le cose all'interno della band in quegli anni: il chitarrista stava cercando uno ...
What is Pink Floyd best known for?
- Early Career. The band formed after Roger Waters and Nick Mason met whilst studying architecture at London Polytechnic and began playing music together with Keith Noble,Clive Metcalfe and his ...
- Career Breakthrough. The album that Pink Floyd is best known for,'The Dark Side of the Moon' was recorded between 19.
- Continuing Career. ...
What is Pink Floyd's original name?
- Advertisement. In London, during 1965, a group of young people led by Roger Waters, Syd Barrett, Nick Mason, and Richard Wright formed the band, Pink Floyd. They got their final name after being called "Megadeaths", "T-Set", "The Architectural Abdabs", "The Abdabs", "The Screaming Abdabs" and "The Tea". In the fall of that year, they decided on Pink Floyd as a tribute to the blues musicians who stood out in the 1920s: Pink Anderson and Floyd Council.
Was Pink Floyd the first space rock band?
- Soyuz TM-7 Russian crew loved the music so much that they took the disc when they traveled out of space. Consequently, Pink Floyd made history by becoming the first rock band whose music was played in outer space. Despite the success, they were still skeptical about the public's reception, so they booked small shows.
How did they get the name Pink Floyd?
- The 'Pink' was named after bluesman Pink Anderson and the Floyd came from bluesman Floyd Council. Originally, in the Syd Barrett era, they were called The Pink Floyd. Back when they were psychedelic. I have every Pink Floyd album by the way.