Perché si chiama Radio Aut?

Perché si chiama Radio Aut?
Aut un latino significa “oppure”, “ovvero”. La parola, quindi, introduce un diverso punto di vista, una alternativa al discorso corrente, una possibilità ulteriore e diversa. E' questo il significato del nome della Radio fondata da Peppino Impastato nella Cinisi degli anni Settanta.
Come si chiamava la radio di Peppino Impastato?
Radio Aut è stata una radio libera fondata nel 1977 da Peppino Impastato a Terrasini, in provincia di Palermo. La radio aveva sede a Terrasini (e non a Cinisi come è, in genere, riportato dai media) ed era ricevibile sulla frequenza di 98.800 MHz a Terrasini e dintorni.
In che anno è nato Peppino Impastato?
5 gennaio 1948, Cinisi, Italia Peppino Impastato/Nascita
What is the importance of Peppino Impastato in the Italian history?
- The importance in the Italian history of Peppino Impastato is his ability to understand before the others what was happening around him. In fact, he was an artist and a sensitive soul. He founded the radio “Aut” with the objective to penetrate into the texture of society and through irony he made fun of the mafia.
Who is Giuseppe Impastato?
- Giuseppe Impastato, said Peppino, was a journalist and a Sicilian activist, who was killed by the Mafia on 9th May 1978, in Cinisi, for the willingness of Mafia boss Gaetano Badalamenti. On 9th May 1978 is also the day in which it was found the body of Aldo Moro in via Caetani in Rome.
What if Peppino had lived?
- In fact, Peppino was born in a family of Mafiosi and, so that he knew what they couldn’t stand. “The radio was the fastest way to communicate. His project died with his death. But if Peppino had lived, he would have found other ways to communicate”- said Giovanni Impastato.