Come è strutturata l'Arma dei Carabinieri?
- Come è strutturata l'Arma dei Carabinieri?
- Che significato ha lo stemma dei carabinieri?
- What was the Carabinieri Command for Liberated Italy?
- What is the Carabinieri Mobile Units Division?
- What is the difference between the Polizia di Stato and Carabinieri?
- What is the history of the Carabinieri Guardie del Re?
Come è strutturata l'Arma dei Carabinieri?
Le attività istituzionali dell'Arma sono ripartite tra le diverse organizzazioni funzionali:5 centrale (il Comando Generale), addestrativa, territoriale, mobile e speciale, per la tutela forestale, ambientale e agroalimentare, oltre agli assetti costituiti per esigenze specifiche.
Che significato ha lo stemma dei carabinieri?
È costituito da uno scudo rosso con croce d'argento e sfondo azzurro in testa: il rosso significa l'ardire, il coraggio e il sacrificio mentre l'azzurro simboleggia il valore, la fedeltà e la patria nonché il colore simbolo di casa Savoia.
What was the Carabinieri Command for Liberated Italy?
- In southern Italy the Carabinieri Command for Liberated Italy was founded in Bari, mobilizing new units for the Italian war of liberation. These units were attached to the Italian Liberation Corps and the six Italian Combat Groups of the Italian Co-Belligerent Army, fighting with the Allied forces.
What is the Carabinieri Mobile Units Division?
- The Carabinieri Mobile Units Division is located in Rome and has two brigades tasked with mass manoeuvres during emergencies, defending the nation and participating in military operations abroad.
What is the difference between the Polizia di Stato and Carabinieri?
- Unlike the Polizia di Stato, the Carabinieri have responsibility for policing the military, and a number of members regularly participate in military missions abroad. They were originally founded as the police force of the Kingdom of Sardinia, the forerunner of the Kingdom of Italy.
What is the history of the Carabinieri Guardie del Re?
- The new unit was formally recognised as Carabinieri Guardie del Re on 7 January 1870, when it was entrusted with the safety of the king. After the end of the Kingdom of Italy, and the proclamation of the Republic, the unit was re-founded in 1946, and organised as a cavalry squadron.