Che salume e la bresaola?

Che salume e la bresaola?
La bresaola è un tipico e apprezzato salume Valtellinese, ottenuto salando, essiccando e stagionando un filetto di bue o di manzo. L'etimologia della parola è di origine incerta e potrebbe derivare dai termini dialettali "brasa" (brace) o "brisa" (riferito alla tecnica di salagione).
Quanti tipi di bresaola ci sono?
BRESAOLA: COME VIENE FATTA La bresaola si fa con cinque diversi tipi di taglio della coscia del bovino: la fesa, la sottofesa, il magatello, il sott'osso e la punta d'anca, che è il pezzo più pregiato.
What is bresaola and how is it made?
- At first glance, Bresaola appears to be just like any other Italian cured meat variety. However, it bears some key differences that set it apart from many other offerings. Primarily, Bresaola is made from beef instead of pork. More specifically, it typically is made with meat from the eye of the round cut of the cow, a very lean and tender cut.
How do you eat bresaola meat?
- Bresaola may be on the expensive side, but a little goes a long way. It should be served sliced paper-thin, with 1 ounce covering a 10-inch plate—about right for a single serving. The lean, cured meat is especially good when drizzled with extra-virgin olive oil and fresh lemon.
What is bison bresaola?
- Bison Bresaola. One of the best ways to get into curing meats is to do a bresaola, air-cured loin of some sort of red meat. Thinly sliced, it is a magnificent piece of charcuterie, deep red, light on the tongue and very meaty.
How do you pronounce bresaola?
- It is pronounced breh-ZOW-lah. Compared with many other types of cured meat, bresaola is very lean, as it is made from a single muscle and any outer fat is removed before curing. Bresaola is a bit like a lean prosciutto made with beef instead of pork, and slightly reminiscent of pastrami in terms of flavor.