Come lamentarsi di un postino?

Come lamentarsi di un postino?
Posta Elettronica Certificata a [email protected] (è obbligatorio allegare la lettera di reclamo) Fax al numero (è obbligatorio allegare la lettera di reclamo) Lettera Raccomandata a Casella Postale 4 Roma (Rm) Consegna presso un ufficio postale.
Come programmare consegna raccomandata?
Basterà comporre il numero verde 803.160 oppure prenotare un appuntamento a domicilio sul sito , compilando il relativo modulo per richiedere una nuova consegna concordando il giorno e la fascia oraria più comoda.
What is Poste Italiane?
- Poste Italiane is now the largest logistics operator in Italy, and is a leading player in the financial, insurance and payment services sector. The Purpose of Poste Italiane: Grow responsibly thanks to the decisive contribution of its people to the sustainable success, innovation, digitisation and social cohesion of the country.
How to contact track Poste italiane for shipments?
- Track Poste Italiane shipments +
What is parcel monitor for Poste Italiane?
- Simple & Easy! With Parcel Monitor for Poste Italiane, you can track all your packages and get real-time updates with just your tracking number! Poste Italiane is a prominent mail service. What customers are thinking? My package has been in the same location for over 12 days.
Why use Poste Italiane Delivery Manager?
- Give customers the best post-purchase experience with proactive delivery updates. Designed for developers to integrate Poste Italiane tracking functionality easily. Keep your shopping organized. Never miss your Poste Italiane delivery again.