Come si fa ad avere WhatsApp su due dispositivi?

Come si fa ad avere WhatsApp su due dispositivi?
- Apri WhatsApp > tocca Altre opzioni.
- Tocca Dispositivi collegati.
- Tocca Versione beta multi-dispositivo.
How to use wozzap service?
- Wozzap service can be used both from Mobile and Desktop users. Desktop user will be prompted to insert their mobile number and the service will deliver a link through SMS to connect with Wozzap. For desktop extension of the service is required to purchase SMS credits. ...Are you convinced, yet?
Why choose wozzad for your online course?
- Wozzad provides three dedicated online portals for each vital stakeholder, as common with Apprenticeship/CPD courses: This three way engagement design was built from the ground up to cater for the changing needs between Education Provider, Employers and Employees. Allow students to self-check in to their lectures by using their mobile device.
How does wozzad work for funding?
- All applications are validated for funding before they are processed by the University. Employers on the Wozzad Platform can view your courses and apply direct. Marketing analytics to view application performance. Self funding applications can pay on application or on approval.
What is wozzad smart application form?
- Wozzad Smart Application Form will 'mash' together all required sections into just one form, reducing repetitive data entry to speed up this process. Furthermore, it will remember key data fields for their next application, including their Student ID, to ensure quick application entry.