Quanti giga all'estero?

Quanti giga all'estero?

Quanti giga all'estero?

La quantità di GB disponibili all'estero aumenta in modo direttamente proporzionale al costo IVA esclusa della tariffa nazionale: più si paga in Italia e più GB ci saranno all'estero. Una tariffa da 9 euro IVA esclusa, quindi, garantirà 6 GB; una da 12 euro IVA esclusa 8 GB e così via.

What are the roaming regulations in the European Union?

  • Telenor Sweden reports a 1500 % increase in data usage while roaming in the EEA. The European Union roaming regulations only regulate prices while the user is roaming. In 2013, the European commission proposed to regulate intra-EEA international calls, but it was rejected by the European Parliament and Council.

When did Telenor introduce free roaming in the EEA?

  • The operator introduced free roaming in the EEA for most of its subscription plans in 2016, and from February 2016 to February 2017 data usage while roaming in the EEA increased by 900 percent. Telenor Sweden reports a 1500 % increase in data usage while roaming in the EEA.

When did roaming charges for mobile phones start in Europe?

  • The proposed regulation was approved by the European Parliament and by the Council of Ministers, and came into law in June 2007. It required capping of retail and wholesale voice roaming charges from 30 August 2007, unless a special roaming tariff applied. The maximum prices was set to decrease further in 20.

Does RLAH increase the cost of roaming in Norway?

  • In Norway, prices increased by 66% when RLAH was introduced. The same argument was being used by Danish operators. In Denmark several operators increased monthly subscription prices by 10–20 DKK. Swedish operator Comviq removed roaming services on its plan "Fastpris mini" .

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