Cosa vuol dire in Giapponese kamikaze?
- Cosa vuol dire in Giapponese kamikaze?
- Perché gli Stati Uniti dichiarano guerra al Giappone?
- Were the Japanese dive bombers at Pearl Harbor kamikazes?
- When did the Japanese start using kamikaze pilots?
- Who was the Japanese pilot who vowed to kill everyone at Pearl Harbor?
- Did the Japanese use kamikazes in the Battle of Okinawa?

Cosa vuol dire in Giapponese kamikaze?
kamikaze ‹kamika∫e› s. giapp. ... «vento divino», comp. di kami, nome di divinità dello scintoismo, e kaze «vento»; secondo una tradizione giapp., sarebbe stato così chiamato un tifone che nel 1281 distrusse provvidenzialmente la flotta con la quale i Mongoli progettavano di invadere il Giappone], usato in ital.
Perché gli Stati Uniti dichiarano guerra al Giappone?
Gli Stati Uniti, a partire dall'estate del 1940, tentarono di ostacolare l'espansionismo di Tokyo, ai danni della Cina, estendendo l'embargo ai prodotti di natura militare: la decisione di escludere dal commercio anche il petrolio, nel 1941, fu il preludio alla guerra tra Giappone e Stati Uniti.
Were the Japanese dive bombers at Pearl Harbor kamikazes?
- Japanese dive-bombers at Pearl Harbor were not kamikazes. During the air raid, another crippled Japanese plane crashed onto the deck of the USS Curtiss. Although the Japanese pilots might have deliberately aimed for enemy targets after sustaining catastrophic damage, that was not the intention of their mission.
When did the Japanese start using kamikaze pilots?
- Instances of kamikaze pilots were seen as early as the Decem attack on Pearl Harbor. Though the suicide pilots of Japan were only organized into specific units later in the war, the concept of the kamikaze attack was a reflection of the Japanese idea that it was better to be killed in battle than captured.
Who was the Japanese pilot who vowed to kill everyone at Pearl Harbor?
- The Japanese pilots prepared as if their sneak attack on Pearl Harbor would be their final times in the cockpit. But they were not on a suicide mission. Fate would determine whether they lived or died. Should death become his destiny, though, First Lieutenant Fusata Iida vowed to end the lives of as many of the enemy as he could.
Did the Japanese use kamikazes in the Battle of Okinawa?
- A Japanese suicide plane attacking the USS Missouri during the Battle of Okinawa 1945. The use of kamikazes peaked during the bloody Battle of Okinawa, when suicide pilots swarmed American vessels. In one 80-minute span alone, more than 20 kamikazes targeted the destroyer USS Laffey, which managed to survive the assault.