Quanti giorni bisogna fare a New York?

Quanti giorni bisogna fare a New York?

Quanti giorni bisogna fare a New York?

La risposta non è semplice perchè ci vorrebbero mesi per visitare tutti e 5 i distretti: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, Staten Island. Se per voi è la prima volta a New York serviranno almeno da 5 a 7 giorni per poter visitare le attrazioni principali.

What are the best museums in NYC?

  • So that's why NYC's most famous museums: the Museum of Modern Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Guggenheim, the Whitney and the Brooklyn Museum, house some of the world's most famous paintings.

What museums are in New York?

  • The Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)
  • Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
  • Whitney Museum of American Art
  • Brooklyn Museum
  • The Jewish Museum
  • Fotografiska
  • Merchant's House Museum
  • New Museum of Contemporary Art
  • The Frick Collection

What museums are free in New York?

  • Bronx Museum of the Arts. icon-location-pin The Bronx. One of NYC’s more underrated institutions, the Bronx Museum is worth a visit not only because it’s free, but also because it’s located on the borough’s historic Grand Concourse .

How many museums are there in NYC?

  • NY.com says there are 83 museums in total among the 5 boroughs. 100 museums in New York City, according to this website. 32 museums in Manhattan, according to WorldWeb.com.

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