Cosa comporta il diabete a 500?

Cosa comporta il diabete a 500?

Cosa comporta il diabete a 500?

Si ritrovano livelli molto elevati di glicemia (tra i 500 e i 700 mg/dl) e glicosuria (glucosio nelle urine) con notevole disidratazione (perdita di liquidi), dolori addominali, anoressia (mancanza di appetito), vomito, nausea.

Cosa mangiare quando si ha il diabete alto?


  • Consumare 5 porzioni al giorno tra ortaggi e frutta, variando i colori: verde (verdura), rosso (pomodori), arancione (carote, arance)….
  • Preferire pane e pasta integrale.
  • Utilizzare spesso, almeno tre volte a settimana) i legumi (fagioli, lenticchie, ceci, piselli, ecc.)

What to do if your blood sugar is over 400?

  • Since readings in some sugar meters read at the time when level reaches around 400,wash your finger properly before you check the readings again. ...
  • If meter is reading high,be sure that meter is accurate and check the blood sugar again.
  • If it is reading high once more,call the doctor immediately to seek emergency care.

What does blood sugar level over 400 mean?

  • Glucose builds up in the blood if there is not enough insulin to move glucose into your cells. During an episode of ketoacidosis, it is common for blood sugar to rise to a level over 400 milligrams per deciliter. When blood sugar levels are so high, some sugar "overflows" into the urine.

Is 400 blood glucose level high?

  • Over 400 is considered extremely high. There’s no such thing as “400 is as bad as 250.” A glucose reading of 400 means there’s a heck of a lot of sugar in the bloodstream. Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome. The body will try to saddle the urine with the excess sugar.

Is blood sugar level of 400 dangerous?

  • If your blood sugar levels are over 400 mg/dL, you could also be at risk for dehydration, says Dr. Spratt. During treatment, your doctors will give you insulin to stabilize your blood sugar levels and replace any fluids you might have lost through urination or vomiting, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

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