Come prenotare una visita allo IEO di Milano?

Come prenotare una visita allo IEO di Milano?

Come prenotare una visita allo IEO di Milano?


  1. Centralino. + 9.1. + 9.208.
  2. CUP. Prenotazioni visite ed esami. Dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 8.00 alle 16.00. + 9.001. ...
  3. Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico. Segnalazioni e azioni di miglioramento. Avete già consultato la sezione delle FAQ? ...
  4. CAMPUS IEO. Via Adamello 16. 20139 Milano.

What is the International Organisation of Employers (IOE)?

  • The IOE is the largest network of the private sector in the world, with more than 150 business and employer organisation members.

Why join the IOE?

  • A powerful and balanced voice for business. The IOE is the largest network of the private sector in the world, with more than 150 business and employer organisation members.

Why choose breast cancer treatment at IEO Milan Italy?

  • Breast Cancer Treatment at IEO Milan Italy. The IEO Breast Cancer Program is aimed at providing with a multidisciplinary method, excellence in diagnostics, clinical and surgical approaches, as well as clinically oriented research, to achieve the maximum effectiveness of the service to patients.

What does IEO stand for?

  • About Us. The IEO (European Institute of Oncology) is one of the world's most prestigious hospitals and the fastest growing comprehensive cancer centre in Europe. IEO integrates the various areas related to the fight against cancer such as prevention, diagnosis, treatment, training and education, basic and translational research.

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