Come cambiare targa al permesso invalidi?

Come cambiare targa al permesso invalidi?

Come cambiare targa al permesso invalidi?

Dal 30 Maggio è sufficiente collegarsi al sito della mobilità per modificare le targhe collegate al contrassegno di circolazione in possesso delle persone disabili.

Come cambiare targa pass invalidi?

L'operazione, che avviene tramite un'interfaccia online, è molto semplice: per inserire la targa provvisoria basta accedere al Sito del Comune di Milano ed entrare nell'area riservata al PASS DISABILI.

What is areac in Milan?

  • It is a restricted area of the historical center of Milan where it is possible to drive a vehicle upon payment. Whith are the borders of the Congestion Charge Zone? On Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays: AreaC is not active. Free admission for electric and hybrid cars and for vehicles used by disabled people with European disabled person permit.

What are the working days of Area C in Milan?

  • Milan Area C works from Monday to Friday (working day) from 7.30 to 19.30. Area C doesn't work on not working days. All private and commercial vehicles must activate ticket entrance for access in Cerchia dei Bastioni ZTL . You must put into action a ticket entrance if you want to enter in Milan Area C.

What is Area C?

  • What is Area C? It is a restricted area of the historical center of Milan where it is possible to drive a vehicle upon payment. Whith are the borders of the Congestion Charge Zone?

What are the restrictions in Milan's Area C?

  • In Milan Area C Restricted Area (Milan Area C), only four wheel vehicles can't enter without authorization, therefore motorcycles and scooters can enter without any problem. Zero Emmission vehicles can be authorized to enter. Vehicles longer than 7.5 meters are forbidden to enter.

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