Quanti anni hanno i protagonisti degli Alex e co?

Quanti anni hanno i protagonisti degli Alex e co?
Alex Leoni è un ragazzo di quattordici anni, gentile ed altruista che sta per iniziare il suo primo giorno di liceo al "Melsher Institute", una scuola d'eccellenza ma molto rigida e piena di divieti, tra cui la musica.
Dove si può vedere Alex e co?
Non perdere le divertenti avventure di Alex e i suoi amici alle prese con il primo anno di liceo! In onda su Rai Gulp tutti i giorno alle 14.20 e 20.35!
Cosa fa Leonardo Cecchi?
Attore CantanteBallerino Leonardo Cecchi/Professioni
Dove è nato Leonardo Cecchi?
Minneapolis, Minnesota, Stati UnitiLeonardo Cecchi / Luogo di nascita
What is the Alex & Co wiki?
- Welcome to the Alex & Co. Wiki!, a collaborative encyclopedia for everything and anything related to the Italian Disney Channel Series Alex & Co.! Today is the 21 and currently there are 558 articles and we are still growing since this wiki was founded. To write a new article, click here.
What is alexalex & co about?
- Alex & Co. is an Italian situation comedy broadcast on Disney Channel Italy. The show focuses around a boy named Alex, who on his first day of high school, along with his two best friends Nicole and Christian, meets two new students: Sam and Emma.
How old is Jody from Alex and co?
- Jody Daniele Cecchetto (born J) is an Italian actor and DJ. He portrays Jody on Alex & Co. His father, Claudio Cecchetto, is a famous Italian record producer, founder of Radio Deejay and Radio Capital, and talent scout. His mother is called Maria Paola Danna. He has a 6-year-younger brother called Leonardo.
What happened in the last episode of Alex & Co?
- In the last episode of Alex & Co, Alex finally finds out that Penny is Nicole's savior and thanks to her he convinces Bakìa to sing together Nicole's song The Universe Owes You One. While they are singing, Nicole wakes up from the coma. Poll: What is your favourite season?