Come si cura il papilloma in bocca?

Come si cura il papilloma in bocca?
Basta toccare una superficie (ad esempio in un bagno pubblico) contaminata per portare il virus in bocca. Anche in questo caso, per la cura si ricorre alla laser terapia o alla crioterapia. La migliore arma contro il papilloma resta naturalmente la prevenzione; curare l'igiene personale è fondamentale.
What does benign papilloma of the papilla mean?
- A diagnosis of benign papilloma means that the lump presents no cause for concern. However, a person might still want to address or treat a papilloma, as they can cause pain, irritation, and concerns about appearance. Human papillomavirus (HPV) causes most papillomas. For some papillomas though, HPV is not the main cause.
What are some examples of papillomas?
- One example is an inverted papilloma of the urinary tract, which research has linked to smoking and other potential causes. For papillomas of the skin, where HPV is known to be the cause, skin damage can promote the development of a papilloma.
What happens when a papilloma grows in the larynx?
- When a papilloma or group of papillomas grow in the larynx, it can obstruct the process of breathing. This causes a rare condition known as recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, which occurs mostly in children. Symptoms include hoarseness, a quiet or weak cry, and airway obstruction, in severe instances.
Should I be worried about a papilloma?
- Lumps and lesions will naturally cause concern. If they do, doctor can confirm this as a benign growth. A diagnosis of benign papilloma means that the lump presents no cause for concern. However, a person might still want to address or treat a papilloma, as they can cause pain, irritation, and concerns about appearance.