Come va Renegade T3?

Come va Renegade T3?
La vettura soffre un po' in ripresa, e per ravvivare l'andatura è meglio fare una scalata di marcia. Il consumo in extraurbano è buono, circa 15 km con 1 litro. In autostrada, a 130 km/h, la vettura non molto aerodinamica e troppo squadrata fa sentire i propri limiti, dovuti soprattutto ai fruscii.
Is the Jeep Renegade a good buy?
- In a class of copycat pseudo-SUVs with less personality than their sat nav voiceover and all the off-road ability of copper bathtub the Renegade looks and acts a little differently, and that alone imbues it with likeable character. It’s not a crossover you’ll buy rationally – it’s the only car in its class that’s a heart-over-head purchase.
What is the 2018 Jeep renagade facelift?
- For its 2018 facelift, Jeep treated to the Renagade to some (optional) LED light units, a refreshed and rather sharp touchscreen, and mainly, a new family of engines.
Is the Ford Renegade over-engineered?
- That’s likely because the Renegade has found plenty of friends – over 800,000, in Europe, the Middle East and Africa since 2014 – for its characterful styling and low running costs, but is rather over-engineered as a tail-munching tractor for most everyday needs.
What kind of gearbox does the Maruti Suzuki Renegade have?
- Both 2.0-litre Renegade diesels get a nine-speed automatic gearbox and all-wheel drive. The six-speed dual-clutch is available on the 1.6-litre diesel only.