Dove si trova il Kosovo?
- Dove si trova il Kosovo?
- In che lingua si parla in Kosovo?
- Che tipo di governo ha il Kosovo?
- Come si dice ciao in Kosovo?
- Come si scrive Kosovo in italiano?
- How was the Kosovo conflict resolved?
- What is the difference between Kosovo and kosovoova?
- How many people died in the Kosovo War?
- When did Kosovo gain independence from Serbia?

Dove si trova il Kosovo?
Europa Kosovo/Continente
In che lingua si parla in Kosovo?
Albanese Serbo Kosovo/Lingue ufficiali Le lingue ufficiali sono albanese e serbo. L'albanese è diffuso in quasi tutto il territorio, mentre il serbo è parlato principalmente dalla minoranza serba nei distretti settentrionali, in alcuni luoghi a Pristina e nelle enclavi serbe.
Che tipo di governo ha il Kosovo?
Stato unitario Repubblica parlamentare Kosovo/Governo
Come si dice ciao in Kosovo?
Ghego: Ciao, come stai?
Come si scrive Kosovo in italiano?
Si scrive Kossovo o Kosovo? Le forme sono diverse: Kosovo (lingua serba) e Kosova (lingua albanese). In questo dossier è stata adottata la parola "Kossovo" (definizione originaria delle carte geografiche italiane) per mantenere un'equidistanza dalla lingua dei serbi e degli albanesi.
How was the Kosovo conflict resolved?
- Kosovo conflict, 1998–99 conflict in which ethnic Albanians opposed ethnic Serbs and the government of Yugoslavia (the rump of the former federal state, comprising the republics of Serbia and Montenegro) in Kosovo. It was resolved with the intervention of NATO. Learn more about the Kosovo conflict and its history.
What is the difference between Kosovo and kosovoova?
- The entire region that today corresponds to the territory is commonly referred to in English simply as Kosovo and in Albanian as Kosova (definite form, Albanian pronunciation: [kɔˈsɔːva]) or Kosovë ("indefinite" form, Albanian pronunciation: [kɔˈsɔːv]).
How many people died in the Kosovo War?
- Kosovo conflict. The riots claimed some 30 lives and resulted in the displacement of more than 4,000 Serbs and other minorities. In February 2008 Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia (Yugoslavia had ceased to exist in 2003, giving way to the federation of Serbia and Montenegro, which itself dissolved in 2006).
When did Kosovo gain independence from Serbia?
- In February 2008 Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia (Yugoslavia had ceased to exist in 2003, giving way to the federation of Serbia and Montenegro, which itself dissolved in 2006).