Che cosa ha fatto Padre Pio?

Che cosa ha fatto Padre Pio?
Pio da Pietrelcina, noto anche come Padre Pio, al secolo Francesco Forgione (Pietrelcina, 25 maggio 1887 – San Giovanni Rotondo, 23 settembre 1968), è stato un presbitero e mistico italiano dell'Ordine dei frati minori cappuccini; la Chiesa cattolica lo venera come santo e ne celebra la memoria liturgica il 23 ...
What is Padre Pio the patron saint of?
- Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina is the patron saint of adolescents. His feast is celebrated by Catholics on the 23rd of September. Padre Pio was a Capuchin Catholic priest from Italy.
What is Padre Pio known for?
- St. Padre Pio was an Italian priest who was known for his piety and charity, as well as the gift of the stigmata , which has never been explained.
Why is Padre Pio a saint?
- Padre Pio: A Patron Saint for the Unborn. However, St. Padre Pio has a specific claim to the honor of patron saint of the unborn, since it is a prerogative that was confirmed by the Blessed Virgin Mary herself. The story begins in 1905, well before he became famous for his stigmata and other spiritual gifts.
Did Padre Pio become a priest?
- In 1910, Pio was subsequently ordained a priest by Archbishop Paolo Schinosi at the Cathedral of Benevento. Four days later, he offered his first Mass at the parish church of Our Lady of the Angels. His health being precarious, he was permitted to remain with his family until 1916 while still retaining the Capuchin habit.