Cosa vuol dire quando si ha sempre la nausea?

Cosa vuol dire quando si ha sempre la nausea?
La nausea è un disturbo caratterizzato da una sensazione di leggera spossatezza accompagnata da desiderio di vomitare. Spesso si manifesta con pallore, vertigini e sudorazione e può essere accompagnata da disgusto per il cibo o per alcuni odori, da fastidio a livello dello stomaco, abbondante produzione di saliva.
What does it mean when you feel nauseous without vomiting?
- You almost always feel nauseated before vomiting. Nausea, with or without vomiting, is most commonly caused by a stomach bug and food poisoning. Pregnant women often feel nauseous—or even vomit—during their first trimester. Other causes include motion sickness, migraines, drinking too much alcohol, and side effects from medications.
Is nausea a sign of a disease?
- Nausea is not a disease itself, but can be a symptom of many disorders related to the digestive system, including: Problems with nerves or muscles in the stomach that cause slow stomach emptying or digestion (gastroparesis)
What are the treatment options for nausea?
- As with diagnosis, the treatment of nausea is dependent on the cause. For symptoms associated with serious disease, nausea may subside as the condition improves. For some conditions, doctors may prescribe specific medication. Some nausea can be prevented by avoiding triggers.
When should you go to the doctor for nausea and vomiting?
- You should get medical advice if you vomit repeatedly for more than 48 hours or feel unwell or weak. Nausea and vomiting may be due to many different causes. Common causes include food poisoning, a tummy bug (viral infection), drinking a lot of alcohol, and being pregnant.