Cosa crea l'effetto di sospensione della cupola di S Sofia?

Cosa crea l'effetto di sospensione della cupola di S Sofia?
Questo effetto fu reso possibile grazie all'inserimento di quaranta finestre nella cupola stessa, sopra la cornice.
Quanto si festeggia Santa Sofia?
30 settembre, santa Sofia, martire a Roma con le sue tre figlie, commemorata.
Where is Saint Sophia Cathedral in Ukraine?
- Saint Sophia Cathedral (Sofiiskyi sobor). See Map. A masterpiece of the art and architecture of Ukraine and Europe. It was built in Kyiv at the height of Kyivan Rus’, in the Byzantine style (see Byzantine art ), and significantly transformed during the baroque period.
What is the significance of the Saint Sophia Cathedral?
- The art and architecture of the Saint Sophia Cathedral have had a wide influence. The original building's cross-in-square plan, its tall, pyramidal, domed spaces and silhouette, and its organization and stylistic treatment of mosaics and frescoes provided the model for many Kyivan Rus’ and later Ukrainian churches.
What is Saint Sophia Cathedral in Harbin China?
- Saint Sophia Cathedral. 圣索菲亚教堂. The Cathedral of the Holy Wisdom of God in Harbin, China. Built in 1907 and expanded from 1923-32, it was closed during the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution periods, and turned into a museum in 1997.
Why did Yaroslav the Wise build St Sophia Cathedral?
- According to one theory, Yaroslav the Wise sponsored the construction of the Saint Sophia Cathedral in 1037 to celebrate his decisive victory over the nomadic Pechenegs in 1036 (who thereafter were never a threat to Kiev).