Come curare fistola coccige?
- Come curare fistola coccige?
- Cosa provoca la cisti pilonidale?
- Come spunta la fistola?
- What does it mean to have a pilonidal disease?
- What is the rate of incidence for pilonidal dermatitis?
- How is pilonidal sinus disease (sinus infection) treated?
- What age group is most commonly affected by pilonidal cysts?
Come curare fistola coccige?
Trattamenti per la fistola sacro-coccigea Il trattamento della cisti pilonidale infetta normalmente comporta il drenaggio della cisti. L'operazione per aprire l'ascesso e drenare il pus può essere eseguita in anestesia generale. In caso si ripresenti, l'infezione può essere controllata utilizzando antibiotici.
Cosa provoca la cisti pilonidale?
La causa esatta della cisti pilonidale non è ancora certa. Si ammette oggi che i peli si “incarniscano” nel derma a livello della plica interglutea, creando una reazione infiammatoria che si propaga al tessuto cellulare sottocutaneo, a livello del quale si forma allora una cavità.
Come spunta la fistola?
Le fistole, generalmente, si formano a causa di un processo infiammatorio che viene aggravato da un'infezione con relativo ascesso, che in seguito si rompe provocando la fuoriuscita del pus e, una volta riassorbito lascia uno spazio a forma di tubo che costituisce la fistola.
What does it mean to have a pilonidal disease?
- Pilonidal disease. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Pilonidal disease is a type of skin infection which typically occurs between the cheeks of the buttocks and often at the upper end. Symptoms may include pain, swelling, and redness. There may also be drainage of fluid. It rarely results in a fever.
What is the rate of incidence for pilonidal dermatitis?
- Without treatment the condition may remain long term. About 3 per 10,000 people per year are affected, and it occurs more often in males than females. Young adults are most commonly affected. The term "pilonidal" means "nest of hair". The condition was first described in 1833.
How is pilonidal sinus disease (sinus infection) treated?
- The evidence for elective treatment of pilonidal sinus disease is poor. The most commonly performed surgery is for the pilonidal sinus complex to be surgically excised with the wound often left open to heal. Post-surgical wound packing may be necessary, and packing typically must be replaced daily for 4 to 8 weeks.
What age group is most commonly affected by pilonidal cysts?
- Young adults are most commonly affected. The term "pilonidal" means "nest of hair". The condition was first described in 1833. Pilonidal cysts are itchy and often very painful, and typically occur between the ages of 15 and 35.