Che significa nodulo aspecifico?

Che significa nodulo aspecifico?
Un nodulo aspecifico descrive una formazione nodulare non caratterizzata con forte tendenza a definizione benigna. ... Alcune patologie, specialmente inerenti alla formazione o alla comparsa di tumore o metastasi, portano alla formazione di noduli eteroplastici ben definibili in forma, margini e dimensioni.
Cosa significa aspecifico in medicina?
-ci). – Non specifico; nel linguaggio medico, infiammazione a., ogni infiammazione sostenuta da germi banali e che non è quindi né di natura tubercolare, né luetica, né ascrivibile a microrganismi responsabili di malattie particolari e ben definite. /aspe'tʃifiko/ agg.
What is a non-calcified nodule in the lung?
- Non calcified nodule in lung. When definitely calcified, a nodule is deemed to almost certainly be benign, most likely a residual of past infection. Nodules are seen with a wide range in size; the larger ones of greater concern. A non-calcified nodule can be either benign or malignant, more likely to be benign if it is small,...
How big of a lung nodule is too small?
- Lung nodule: If your nodule is less than 1cm especially less than 0.5 cm, has a regular border, it's solid and pop-corn like then no reason to worry, so another ... Read More I'm a vietnam veteran with many angent orange problems. i had a lung x-ray 6 years ago with calcified nodules now i have more nodules. could this be cancer?
What is the prognosis of nodnodules?
- Nodules were considered malignant based on the results of a diagnostic biopsy, and were considered benign if their appearance remained stable 2 years after the initial study, if they resolved, or if a biopsy showed a non-malignant condition.
How accurate are diagnostic biopsy models for non-calcified pulmonary nodules?
- The model had good predictive accuracy (area under the curve 0.751) but had insufficient discrimination for use as a clinical tool to determine which patients should undergo diagnostic biopsy. Conclusion: Nearly half the non-calcified pulmonary nodules identified in this series were malignant.