Dove si trova Bosnia Erzegovina?

Dove si trova Bosnia Erzegovina?
La Bosnia ed Erzegovina si trova nei Balcani occidentali, confina con la Serbia ad est, il Montenegro a sud-est e con la Croazia a nord e ad ovest. La città di Neum nel cantone di Erzegovina-Narenta, dove la popolazione è per la maggior parte croata, è l'unico accesso al mare Adriatico.
What is the story of Medjugorje?
- The Story of Medjugorje On J, two young girls were walking in the hamlet of Bijakovici in the parish of Medjugorje when a woman holding an infant appeared high on a hill among the boulders and brambles of Mount Podbrdo. Instinctively, they knew it was the Virgin Mary, but they did not approach her.
What is the Medjugorje Commission?
- Pope Benedict XVI set up a commission chaired by Cardinal Camillo Ruini to “collect and examine all the material” about Medjugorje and present “a detailed report” followed by a vote on the “supernatural nature” of the apparitions.
Who is the sculptor of the statue at Medjugorje?
- Funds to commission the statue were donated by a Korean family whose child was healed in Medjugorje. The statue was created by the Italian sculptor Dino Felici who also designed the marble Queen of Peace statue at the entrance to the parish grounds in 1987.
Are the Medjugorje apparitions approved by the Pope?
- In 2010, Pope Benedict XVI ordered an investigation into the Medjugorje apparitions and they have been recommended for approval. Medjugorje is one of the most spiritual and peaceful places on the planet, ideal for spiritual growth and renewal. The atmosphere is abundant in grace and overflowing with stories of miracles and conversion.