In che anno è uscita la Panda Cross?

In che anno è uscita la Panda Cross?

In che anno è uscita la Panda Cross?

Allestimenticm3in commercio
Panda Cross 0.9 TwinAir Turbo S&S 4x4875da 9/2014 a 2/2015
Panda Cross 0.9 TwinAir Turbo S&S 4x4875da 2/2015 a 12/2016
Panda Cross 0.9 TwinAir Turbo S&S 4x4875da 7/2016 a 7/2018
Panda Cross 0.9 TwinAir Turbo S&S 4x4875da 5/2018 a 7/2018

Perché si chiama Panda Cross?

La formula risultò vincente e venne confermata negli anni fino al 2006, quando Fiat lanciò per prima sul mercato il concetto e il nome Cross applicandolo a Panda: un autentico mini SUV capace di affrontare qualsiasi percorso.

Quanto costa una Panda Cross diesel?

Panda Cross 0.9 TwinAir Turbo S&S 4x487520.300 €
Panda Cross 1.2 EasyPower124218.700 €
Panda Cross 0.9 TwinAir T. Natural Power87519.850 €
Panda Cross 1.0 FireFly S&S Hybrid99917.500 €

Is the Panda Cross a good car?

  • It’s more distinctive than most rivals, which has to be good. The Panda Cross, a beefed-up version of the Panda 4x4, is genuinely bonkers looking with its protective panels and exposed towing eyes. It looks like a toddler has gone mad in a branch of Millets, but that’s kind of cool, in a way.

Does Fiat's Panda look like a toddler has gone mad?

  • It looks like a toddler has gone mad in a branch of Millets, but that’s kind of cool, in a way. Fiat’s image is, perhaps, a long way from its peak at the moment, but at least the Panda is playing in the brand’s traditional wheelhouse – the small, affordable city car with a dash of fun to go with its fuel savings.

Is the Fiat Panda the best small car?

  • A classic name, now in its second regeneration, the Panda is a perfect example of that old adage that Fiat is at its best when making small cars. True, there are rivals that are far more sophisticated, but the Panda is much more fun to drive than most, relatively practical and definitely amongst the best to look at.

What are the safety features in a Fiat Panda?

  • In 2013, Fiat received an Advanced Reward award from NCAP for its City Brake Control autonomous emergency braking system, which is optional for the Panda. Standard safety spec includes four airbags (front side airbags are optional), electronic stability control with a hill-hold function, tyre pressure monitor, and anti-whiplash head restraints.

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