Cosa c'è nel Museo di Reggio Calabria?

Cosa c'è nel Museo di Reggio Calabria?
Le collezioni archeologiche del museo comprendono materiali di scavo da siti della Calabria, della Basilicata, e della Sicilia, che illustrano l'arte e la storia della Magna Grecia dall'VIII secolo a.C., e materiale dei periodi precedenti (preistoria e protostoria) e successivi (periodi romano e bizantino).
What is the National Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria?
- The National Archaeological Museum was born from the merger of the State Museum with the Museum of Reggio Calabria. The latter was inaugurated on June 18th, 1882, to guard the numerous archaeological remains of the area.
What to see in Reggio Calabria?
- The National Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria was recognized as among the most prestigious archaeological museums in Italy when it was made autonomous by the MiBACT 2014 reform. The building that houses it is one of the first in Italy to be designed with the exclusive purpose of a museum.
What is the marrc of Reggio Calabria?
- The MArRC also has an internal archaeological area: a strip of the great Hellenistic Necropolis discovered during the construction of the building. During the construction of the National Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria, in 1932, one of the necropolises related to the city of the Hellenistic region came to light.
What is the Piacentini Museum in Calabria?
- Marcello Piacentini, one of the leading exponents of the early twentieth century, conceived of the museum to have a modern style of exhibition, after he visited the main museums in Europe. Located in the heart of the city, the museum is an important element of the landscape and the life of all Calabria.