What did Kong Skull Island get on Rotten Tomatoes?

What did Kong Skull Island get on Rotten Tomatoes?

What did Kong Skull Island get on Rotten Tomatoes?

Kong: Skull Island (2017) 75% Starring Brie Larson, John Goodman, Tom Hiddleston, and Samuel L.

Is Kong Skull Island worth watching?

Also, they could have added some scenes to add to the drama of the film. But the monster battles were really well made. All in all, Kong Skull Island is a really well made film. Its definitely worth watching.

Is Kong Skull Island suitable for a 9 year old?

It is pretty intense, though, with a lot of violence, gunfire, monster action and helicopter destruction, and not everyone makes it out alive. There's also quite a bit of language, including the one F-bomb you get in a PG-13 movie, courtesy of John C. Reilly. I'd say this is OK for viewers around 9 or 10 and older.

Does Kong Skull Island have blood?

This monster flick about King Kong is in the B-movie style, with lots of violence and various gross-out scenes: Kong tears apart helicopters, killing various people; huge spiders, insects, and other monsters attack the humans, eating and regurgitating them; there are scenes with monster blood, vomit, and guts.

What is the story of Kong Skull Island?

Scientists, soldiers and adventurers unite to explore a mythical, uncharted island in the Pacific Ocean. Cut off from everything they know, they venture into the domain of the mighty Kong, igniting the ultimate battle between man and nature. As their mission of discovery soon becomes one of survival, they must fight to escape from a primal world where humanity does not belong. Kong: Skull Island/Sinossi del film

Why is Kong on Skull Island?

A “vortex” in the Hollow Earth entry point under Skull Island resulted in the storm being “anchored” on the island. After seeing how destructive it was and how it hindered Kong's ability to protect his home, Monarch came to the realization that Skull Island and its inhabitants wouldn't be able to persevere.

How did skull island sink?

Skull Island sinks into the sea during a powerful earthquake. Kong's son drowns while holding Carl Denham above the water. Denham survives unscathed, while the treasure is claimed by him and the other three survivors. The term "Skull Island" is never used in the original films.

Is the F word in Kong Skull Island?

A giant spiders leg Goes through a mans throat. Several people get killed in the movie. And in 1 scene Kong grabs the "big ones" tounge and pulls it out along with its other internal organs. Profanity 6/10 they say f--king one time and motherf--ker is cut off.

How many swear words are in Kong Skull Island?

LANGUAGE 5 - At least 1 F-word and 2 possible F-words and derivatives, 8 scatological terms, 5 anatomical terms, 17 mild obscenities, name-calling (nuts, crazy, dumb [anatomical term deleted], crackpot, stupid big lizard, things, bastards, ugly), 1 religious profanity (GD), 8 religious exclamations (e.g. Oh God, Kong ...

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