Come si chiamava anticamente la Cina?

Come si chiamava anticamente la Cina?
Catai è il nome con cui Marco Polo descrive la Cina alla fine del sec. XIII. Il nome rimane vivo tra gli Slavi (russo Kitaj) fino ai giorni nostri.
What is the population of China in km²?
- Land Area 9,388,211 km² The current population of China is 1,444,586,267 based on projections of the latest United Nations data. The UN estimates the J population at 1,444,216,107.
What is the total population of China in 2021?
- Demographics of China 2020 As of 1 January 2021, the population of China was estimated to be 1,443,981,565 people. This is an increase of 0.52 % (7,412,695 people) compared to population of 1,436,568,870 the year before.
What is the largest country in China?
- China, officially the People's Republic of China, is the largest country in the world today.In January 2013, the Chinese Government released data confirming that the population of China was an impressive 1,354,040,000, although this does not include Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau..
Is China's population increasing or decreasing?
- China's has slowed significantly since the implementation of the one-child policy, and that slowing is projected to continue. The population is predicted to grow at increasingly slower rates until 2030, at which point the population should actually begin to decrease.