Come funziona l'app Decathlon?

Come funziona l'app Decathlon?
- Creare la tua carta Decathlon ed averla sempre con te.
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Quanto dura il Black Friday da Decathlon?
Quanto dura il Black Friday? . Le offerte del Black Friday durano un solo giorno, ma potrai approfittare delle offerte e degli sconti nella settimana della Black Week.
What are the ten events that make up the decathlon?
- - 100 m Race - 400 m Race - 1500 m Race - 110 m Hurdles - Long Jump - High Jump - Shot Put - Discus Throw - Javelin Throw - Pole Vault
What is the final event of a decathlon?
- What is the final event of the decathlon. 10 events of decathlon: 100 metres, Long Jump, Shot, High Jump, 400 metres, 110 metres Hurdles, Discus, Pole Vault, Javelin, last event:1500 metres.
How many events are in decathlon?
- Decathlon events are: (first day) 100-metre dash, running long (broad) jump, shot put, high jump, and 400-metre run; (second day) 110-metre hurdles, discus throw, pole vault, javelin throw, and 1,500-metre run.
What are all the events in a decathlon?
- The events in the men's decathlon include the 100 m, long jump, shot put, high jump, 4 m hurdles, discus throw, pole vault, javelin throw and 1,500 m. The women's decathlon includes the same events.