Che vuol dire Euro 6 D?

Che vuol dire Euro 6 D?
In genere, quando si tratta di motori endotermici soprattutto diesel, essere omologati Euro 6D vuol dire avere per forza di cose sia dispositivi di filtro antiparticolato (FAP, DPF, GPF) allo scarico, sia una serie di apparati ricircolo gas in aspirazione e, cosa più recente, una riduzione catalitica selettiva.
How do I check if my car is Euro 6 compliant?
- You can check either by contacting your manufacturer or using an online checking tool. Euro 6 car check? A number of services exist for checking the emissions rating of your car and therefore its Euro 6 compliance.
What is the difference between Euro 6c and Euro 6d?
- A new test on public roads to simulate Real Driving Emissions (RDE) has now been introduced. But whether your car is Euro 6, Euro 6c, Euro 6d-TEMP, or Euro 6d, the emission amounts are the same. The differences are purely about testing and how much discrepancy is allowed between the lab figures and those from testing on real roads.
What are Euro 6 emissions and why do they matter?
- Petrol and diesel combustion engines inevitably produce emissions as part of their normal operation. The Euro 6 standards were introduced within the EU to try and ensure vehicle manufacturers keep harmful emissions below specific limits. Only aeroplanes and seagoing ships are exempt from testing.
Which vehicles are exempt from Euro 6 testing?
- Only aeroplanes and seagoing ships are exempt from testing. Everything else, from scooters to trucks, has a set of standards to meet before they can be Euro 6 compliant and sold within the EU.