Cosa significa Tirannosauro Rex?

Cosa significa Tirannosauro Rex?
Tyrannosaurus rex (il cui nome significa letteralmente "re lucertola tiranna"), spesso abbreviato in T. ... Come gli altri tirannosauridi, Tyrannosaurus era un carnivoro bipede con un cranio largo e massiccio, bilanciato da una coda lunga e pesante.
Quanto pesa il Tirannosauro Rex?
9 tonnellate rex". Un gigante di quasi 9 tonnellate, lungo 13 metri.
Come si riproduce il Tirannosauro Rex?
Secondo gli scienziati alcuni si riproducevano col bacio cloacale, altri per il corteggiamento si esibivano in danze ereditate oggi da diversi uccelli. Cosa rivelano le recenti scoperte.
Was the Tyrannosaurus rex a hunter or scavenger?
- T. Rex May Have Been Both a Hunter and a Scavenger. While the Tyrannosaurus Rex-as-scavenger theory has been surprisingly quick to catch on in the scientific community, not everyone is convinced.
Was the Tyrannosaurus rex a carnivore?
- Tyrannosaurus Rex is a large carnivorous dinosaur native to the Central Sector. It is one of the largest predatory dinosaurs and probably the most well-known dinosaur of all time. Widely regarded by hunters as one of the most dangerous carnivore found so far on the planet, it shows extremely high levels or aggression to humans and other animals.
What does Tyrannosaurus rex mean?
- So, Tyrannosaurus rex means something like “king of the tyrant lizards.” It is commonly called T. rex for short. The name is fitting: Tyrannosaurus rex is one of the largest land predators that has ever lived. It was the largest of the tyrannosaurs, reaching a length of 47 feet (14.3 m) or more.
Are Tyrannosaurus rex's suarischians?
- As a theropod, Tyrannosaurus Rex is both bipedal and Saurischian meaning that it traveled using the rear legs only and that its hips were more lizard than birdlike in construction. The majority of theropods were strictly carnivorous and as such they possessed teeth that were developed for tearing and ripping at flesh.