Cosa fu il maxi processo?

Cosa fu il maxi processo?

Cosa fu il maxi processo?

Maxiprocesso di Palermo è la denominazione che fu data, a livello giornalistico, a un processo penale celebrato a Palermo per crimini di mafia (ma il nome esatto dell'organizzazione criminale è Cosa nostra), tra cui omicidio, traffico di stupefacenti, estorsione, associazione mafiosa e altri.

Chi fu condannato al maxiprocesso?

Tra le condanne, possono essere ricordati gli ergastoli a Michele Greco, Pippo Calò, Salvatore Riina, Bernardo Provenzano, l'assoluzione a Luciano Leggio, 7 anni a Ignazio Salvo, 3 anni e 6 mesi a Tommaso Buscetta, 6 anni a Salvatore Contorno. Con il processo, finì anche la tregua militare della mafia.

What happened to Antonio Buscetta's sons?

  • In February 1980, he was granted "half-freedom" from prison, immediately fleeing back to Brazil to escape the brewing Second Mafia War instigated by Salvatore Riina. On 11 September 1982, Buscetta's two sons from his first wife, Benedetto and Antonio, disappeared, never to be found again, which prompted his collaboration with Italian authorities.

What happened to Giuseppe Buscetta?

  • Buscetta was arrested in São Paulo, Brazil once again on 23 October 1983. He was extradited to Italy on , where he attempted suicide by ingestion of barbiturates; when that failed, he decided that he was utterly disillusioned with the Mafia.

How did Tommaso Buscetta escape from prison?

  • Most of the crucial evidence came from Tommaso Buscetta. In February 1980, he was granted "half-freedom" from prison, immediately fleeing back to Brazil to escape the brewing Second Mafia War instigated by Salvatore Riina.

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