Chi era il papà di Lucrezia Borgia?

Chi era il papà di Lucrezia Borgia?
Papa Alessandro VI Lucrezia Borgia/Padri Nacque a Subiaco il 18 aprile 1480, terza figlia del cardinale spagnolo Rodrigo Borgia, arcivescovo di Valencia, che nel 1492 sarebbe stato eletto Papa della Chiesa cattolica con il nome di Alessandro VI. La madre era invece una donna mantovana, Vannozza Cattanei, amante di Rodrigo per ben quindici anni.
Dove regnavano i Borgia?
Borgia | |
Stato | Regno d'Aragona Stato Pontificio Regno di Francia |
Titoli | Papa (non ereditario) Principe di Teano, Carinola, Tricarico, Andria, Venafro, Squillace Grande di Spagna Duca di Gandia, Sessa, Valentinois, Romagna, Nepi, Camerino, Palestrina Marchese di Llombai, Navarrès Conte di Dyois, Alvito |
How much did it cost to become pope Borgia?
- Della Rovere was bankrolled to the cost of 200,000 gold ducats by King Charles VIII of France, with another 100,000 supplied by the Republic of Genoa. Borgia was elected on 11 August 1492, assuming the name of Alexander VI (due to confusion about the status of Pope Alexander V elected by the Council of Pisa ).
Is the Borgia family a true story?
- In this modern retelling of the Borgia family story there are some drops of truth, but more than anything else it is a fictitious story. The things that I like the most are the costumes that are with out a doubt sumptuous…as are the the magnificent sets.
Why is Borgia important to the Catholic Church?
- Borgia was one of the deciding votes in the election of Cardinal Piccolomini as Pope Pius II, and the new pope rewarded Borgia not only with maintaining the chancellorship, but also with a lucrative abbey benefice and another titular church.
What was Borgia's appeal to Cardinal della Rovere?
- Della Rovere's appeal was that he was a pious and brilliant Franciscan monk who lacked many political connections in Rome. He seemed to be the perfect cardinal to reform the Church, and the perfect cardinal for Borgia to maintain his influence.