Che problemi ha Andrea Morricone?

Che problemi ha Andrea Morricone?
Sulla sua vita privata, Andrea è sempre stato molto riservato. Sappiamo che è profondamente legato alla sua famiglia: è rimasto vicino al padre sino al suo ultimo respiro, quando nel 2020 si è spento a seguito di una brutta caduta che gli aveva causato la rottura del femore.
Chi vinse l'Oscar al posto di Mission?
Il film era interpretato, tra gli altri, da Robert De Niro e Jeremy Irons. Il brano più famoso della colonna sonora è Gabriel's Oboe....Ascolta la colonna sonora di The Mission.
1 | On Earth As It Is In Heaven | 3:50 |
20 | Miserere | 1:00 |
Did Ennio Morricone compose music for Sergio Leone?
- Though his first films were undistinguished, Morricone's arrangement of an American folk song intrigued director and former schoolmate Sergio Leone. Before being associated with Leone, Morricone had already composed some music for less-known western movies such as Duello nel Texas (aka Gunfight at Red Sands) (1963).
What's so great about Ennio Morricone?
- Throughout his career, Morricone developed a habit of producing scores noticeably better than the films they soundtracked: rotten Italian comedies of the 60s were gifted fabulous, experimental scores; the deranged Satanic prog rock of Magic and Ecstasy is pretty much the only thing to commend the otherwise catastrophic Exorcist II: The Heretic.
When did Morricone start his career as an arranger?
- Morricone's career as an arranger started in 1950, by arranging the piece Mamma Bianca (Narciso Parigi). In occasion of the "Anno Santo" (Holy Year), he arranged a long group of popular songs of devotion for radio broadcasting.
Is Ennio Morricone an honorary chairman of MediaMusic?
- In 2014, Ennio Morricone became an honorary chairman of the First International Open Competition in author's music video "Mediamusic.".