Cosa è talassemia?

Cosa è talassemia?

Cosa è talassemia?

L'anemia mediterranea, anche nota come beta-talassemia major o anemia di Cooley, è una malattia del sangue ereditaria molto grave causata da un difetto genetico che provoca la distruzione dei globuli rossi.

Come sapere se si ha la talassemia?

L'unico modo per diagnosticare questa condizione è l'analisi del DNA. Tratto alfa talassemico (2 geni affetti). Pazienti con tratto alfa talassemico presentano globuli rossi piccoli (microcitici), pallidi (ipocromici), con MCV diminuito e una lieve anemia cronica senza, generalmente, mostrare altri sintomi.

How long can you live with thalassemia?

  • Beta thalassemia intermedia also have a normal life span with proper treatment and management of beta thalassemia. The average life expectancy of a person with beta thalassemia major is about 17 years, most of the time by the age of 30 they die due to iron overload causing cardiac complications.

What blood tests are done to detect thalassemia?

  • Complete Blood Count To Detect Thalassemia. Complete Blood Count abbreviated as CBC refers to evaluation of cells present in the human blood. ...
  • Blood Smear Or Peripheral Smear And Manual Differential To Detect Thalassemia. ...
  • Iron Studies To Detect Thalassemia. ...
  • Hemoglobin Electrophoresis To Detect Thalassemia. ...

How do you diagnose thalassemia?

  • If your doctor is trying to diagnose thalassemia, they’ll likely take a blood sample. They’ll send this sample to a lab to be tested for anemia and abnormal hemoglobin. A lab technician will also look at the blood under a microscope to see if the red blood cells are oddly shaped. Abnormally shaped red blood cells are a sign of thalassemia.

Can you die from thalassemia?

  • Thalassemias. Each day, the body produces new red blood cells to replace those that die or are lost from the body. With thalassemia, the red blood cells are destroyed at a faster rate, leading to anemia, a condition that can cause fatigue and other complications.

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