Come richiedere voucher Blue Air?

Come richiedere voucher Blue Air?
Per ottenere il risarcimento Blue Air devi conservare:
- il biglietto aereo Blue Air (basta anche l'e-mail di conferma della compagnia aerea, necessario anche per l'eventuale rimborso biglietto Blue Air);
- la boarding pass (carta d'imbarco);
- eventuali scontrini e fatture dei beni di prima necessità consumati.
Che cosa è Blue benefits?
Blue Benefits è un abbonamento stagionale che ti offre sconti su biglietti aerei e bagagli per un anno, per te, i tuoi familiari e amici. Questo abbonamento può essere acquistato solo acquistando un biglietto aereo e garantisce l'applicazione istantanea degli sconti.
Come chiedere rimborso volo cancellato Blue Air?
e non serve compilare nessun modulo complicato per il tuo volo Blue Air in ritardo o cancellato. Devi solo inserire i dettagli del tuo volo Blue Air e cliccare su Verifica Indennizzo per scoprire immediatamente se hai diritto e a quanto ammonta il tuo indennizzo volo.
Is blue air an IATA certified airline?
- Furthermore, Blue Air received the IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) certification in December 2015, and is a member of the ICH (IATA Clearing House). In March 2017, Blue Air started a base in Liverpool John Lennon Airport, operating to 8 destinations across Europe.
What happened to Blueair transport?
- On , the company was purchased by four Romanian shareholders, and BlueAir Transport Aerian SA's flight operations were transferred to Blue Air – Airline Management Solution SRL, a company that bailed the business out with EUR 30 million.
When did Blue Air start operating?
- Blue Air started operating in December 2004. Blue Air initially operated domestic and international flights, although domestic services were soon discontinued due to low sales and competition from TAROM as well as Căile Ferate Române, the Romanian rail company.
Which Bucharest airport does blueblue air use?
- Blue Air has used Bucharest as its primary hub for most of its history. Initially, the airline's hub was located at the Aurel Vlaicu International Airport (Băneasa), until the airport became overcrowded and was increasingly surrounded by urban development. This fact led to the airport's closure for commercial airlines in 2012.