Cos'è il Commonwealth di Cromwell?
- Cos'è il Commonwealth di Cromwell?
- Chi vive nel castello di Windsor?
- What is the origin of the term Commonwealth English?
- What is another name for the Commonwealth of Nations?
- What is the difference between Commonwealth and Commonwealth of Australia?
- What is the difference between a republic and a Commonwealth?

Cos'è il Commonwealth di Cromwell?
"Commonwealth of England" è stato il nome ufficiale dell'unione politica (de facto un governo militare a nome del Parlamento) che sostituì i regni di Scozia ed Inghilterra (dopo la Guerra civile inglese) sotto il governo di Oliver Cromwell e di suo figlio e successore Richard dal 16.
Chi vive nel castello di Windsor?
Attualmente nel castello di Windsor vivono e lavorano più di cinquecento persone, è un'attrazione turistica molto popolare, sede di visite di Stato e luogo preferito per i fine settimana della regina Elisabetta II d'Inghilterra.
What is the origin of the term Commonwealth English?
- These varieties of English are sometimes collectively called Commonwealth English; this term may have originated with the 1962 publication of Aid to Commonwealth English, a TEFL resource, by the British Council. In practical usage, the term usually includes the original British English,...
What is another name for the Commonwealth of Nations?
- Commonwealth. For the intergovernmental organization, see Commonwealth of Nations. For other uses, see Commonwealth (disambiguation). Commonwealth is a traditional English term for a political community founded for the common good. Historically it has sometimes been synonymous with " republic ".
What is the difference between Commonwealth and Commonwealth of Australia?
- So, in an Australian context, the term "Commonwealth" (capitalized), which is often abbreviated to Cth, refers to the federal government, and "Commonwealth of Australia" is the official name of the country.
What is the difference between a republic and a Commonwealth?
- Historically it has sometimes been synonymous with " republic ". The noun "commonwealth", meaning "public welfare general good or advantage", dates from the 15th century.