Chi è la moglie di George Clooney?

Chi è la moglie di George Clooney?
Amal Clooneys. 2014 Talia Balsams. George Clooney/Moglie Amal Clooney nata Amal Ramzi Alamuddin (in arabo: أمل علم الدين, Amal ʿalam al-Dīn; Beirut, 3 febbraio 1978) è un avvocato, giurista e accademica libanese con cittadinanza britannica, specializzata in diritto internazionale e diritti umani.
Chi erano i genitori di George Clooney?
Nick Clooney Nina Warren George Clooney/Genitori
Who is George Clooney's wife Amal Clooney?
- In 2019, Amal was appointed the special envoy on media freedom by the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Amal is married to actor George Clooney, who she first met in 2013.
When did George Clooney get married in Venice?
- They married on 27 September 2014 in Venice's city hall (at Ca' Farsetti), following a high-profile wedding ceremony two days earlier, also in Venice. They were married by Clooney's friend Walter Veltroni, former mayor of Rome. The wedding was widely reported in the media.
Where did George Clooney go to Law School?
- In 2000, Clooney graduated with a BA degree in Jurisprudence (Oxford's equivalent to the LLB) from St Hugh's College, Oxford. The following year, in 2001, she entered New York University School of Law to study for the LLM degree. She received the Jack J. Katz Memorial Award for excellence in entertainment law.
Why did George Clooney file a case against the Philippines?
- On , Clooney filed a case against the Government of the Republic of the Philippines before the UN's Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, a body under the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, for the continued detention of former Philippine president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. Arroyo was a sitting Pampanga congresswoman at the time.