Che tipo di arte conserva il Centro Pompidou?

Che tipo di arte conserva il Centro Pompidou?
Il Centro nazionale d'arte e di cultura Georges Pompidou si trova a Parigi, in Rue Beaubourg 19....Centro Georges Pompidou.
Centre national d'art et de culture Georges-Pompidou | |
Tipo | Arte moderna Scultura Dipinti Arti grafiche Fotografia Nuovi media Cinema Architettura Design |
Quando è stato inaugurato il Centro Pompidou?
1977 Centro Pompidou di Parigi/Data Di Apertura
What is the closest metro stop to Centre Pompidou?
- The closest stations to Centre Pompidou are: Centre Georges Pompidou is 255 meters away, 4 min walk. Les Halles - Centre Georges Pompidou is 258 meters away, 4 min walk. Rambuteau is 352 meters away, 5 min walk.
What is special about the center Georges Pompidou?
- The Centre Pompidou, designed by Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers, is a 20th-century architectural marvel, immediately recognizable by its exterior escalators and enormous coloured tubing. It is home to the National Museum of Modern Art and is internationally renowned for its 20th and 21st century art collections.
Who designed the Pompidou Center in Paris?
- Pompidou Centre, Paris, France, designed by architects Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers, completed 1977.© Pierre Faure /Fotolia. Primarily a museum and centre for the visual arts of the 20th century, the Pompidou Centre houses many separate services and activities.