Che cosa è accaduto sul Nanga Parbat?

Che cosa è accaduto sul Nanga Parbat?
Nel 1895 Albert Mummery condusse una spedizione che raggiunse i 7.000 m dal versante Diamir. Fu la prima vittima sul Nanga Parbat: scomparve insieme a due portatori Gurkha mentre tentava di esplorare una via per passare al versante Rakhiot attraverso il valico Diama.
Che fine ha fatto Daniele Nardi?
2019 Daniele Nardi/Data di morte
What happened to Nanga Parbat climbers Ballard and Nardi?
- While the bodies were difficult to reach, rescuers promised that everything would be done to recover them. Ballard and Nardi last made contact on 24 February, from an elevation of 6,300 metres (20,670 feet). Nardi, 42, had attempted the Nanga Parbat summit several times before.
What happened to Tom Ballard and Daniele Nardi?
- The bodies of Tom Ballard and Daniele Nardi, the British and Italian climbers who went missing a fortnight ago, have been found on the mountain Nanga Parbat in Pakistan.
Who was the first person to solo climb the Nanga Parbat?
- Nardi, 42, had attempted the Nanga Parbat summit several times before. In 2015, Ballard, 30, became the first person to solo climb all six major north faces of the Alps in one winter. Daniele Nardi.