A cosa serve l interleuchina 10?

A cosa serve l interleuchina 10?

A cosa serve l interleuchina 10?

GUNA® Interleukin 10 (Il 10) Gocce 30 ml. è un medicinale omeopatico, formulato a base di citochine omeopatizzate a bassi dosaggi fisiologici, con azione di regolazione della reattività dell'organismo: attività immunosoppressiva e inibitrice del Network delle citochine.

Quali sono le citochine antinfiammatorie?

Le principali citochine proinfiammatorie sono l'interleuchina-1 (IL-1), IL-2, IL-6 e il fattore di necrosi tumorale (FNT). Le principali citochine antinfiammatorie comprendono IL-4, IL-10, il fattore di crescita trasformante-β (FCT-β) e gli interferoni (24).

Cosa fanno le interleuchine?

Le interleuchine sono piccole molecole appartenenti alla famiglia delle citochine. La loro funzione è quella di agire sulle cellule del sistema immunitario e di indurle a comunicare tra loro così da attivare una risposta immunitaria.

What is interinterleukin-10 (IL-10)?

  • Interleukin-10 has an important role in the inflammatory and immune systems. In addition, present studies suggest that IL-10 may well play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of several diseases. It has the potential for therapeutic use.

What does Interleukin 10 do for inflammation?

  • Interleukin 10. Interleukin 10 (IL-10) is a potent anti-inflammatory cytokine which reduces inflammation in several disease models. Several reports indicate that IL-10 promotes tissue protection and functional recovery after SCI.

What is IL-10 and where does it come from?

  • IL-10 is produced by several types of cells, including activated T lymphocytes, monocytes, B cells as well as nonhematopoietic sources such as keratinocytes, colon carcinoma and melanoma cells. In humans though T H 2 T cell clones are the main source of IL-10, many T H 1 clones will also secrete IL-10 following antigen-specific stimulation.

Is Interleukin 10 an immunosuppressant cytokine?

  • IL10 (1q32) Interleukin-10 (IL-10) is an important cytokine that possesses both immunosuppressive and immunostimulatory properties. An increased IL-10 production by the peripheral blood B-cells and monocytes from SLE patients is shown to correlate with disease activity [115], demonstrating an important role of IL-10 in the disease pathogenesis.

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