Quanto è grande Europa la luna di Giove?

Quanto è grande Europa la luna di Giove?

Quanto è grande Europa la luna di Giove?

1.560,8 km Europa/Raggio

Come si chiama il satellite più grande di Giove?

Ganimede Satelliti medicei o galileiani Ganimede, con i suoi 5.280 Km di diametro, è il più grande satellite del Sistema Solare. Le orbite di Io, Europa e Ganimede sono legate tra loro da una risonanza orbitale, cioè i loro periodi orbitali stanno tra loro nel rapporto 1:2:4.

How big is Europa compared to the Moon?

  • Size and Distance With an equatorial diameter of 1,940 miles (3,100 kilometers), Europa is about 90 percent the size of Earth’s Moon. So if we replaced our Moon with Europa, it would appear roughly the same size in the sky as our Moon does, but brighter — much, much brighter.

Is there life on Jupiter's moon Europa?

  • Overview. Beneath the icy surface of Jupiter’s moon Europa is perhaps the most promising place to look for present-day environments suitable for life. Slightly smaller than Earth's Moon, Europa’s water-ice surface is crisscrossed by long, linear fractures. Like our planet, Europa is thought to have an iron core,...

What would happen if we replaced the Moon with Europa?

  • With an equatorial diameter of 1,940 miles (3,100 kilometers), Europa is about 90 percent the size of Earth’s Moon. So if we replaced our Moon with Europa, it would appear roughly the same size in the sky as our Moon does, but brighter — much, much brighter.

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