Come si chiama Mondrian il pittore?

Come si chiama Mondrian il pittore?
Pieter Cornelis Mondriaan Nessuno può rispondere meglio di Pieter Cornelis Mondriaan, conosciuto soprattutto come Piet Mondrian, celebre artista olandese fondatore del gruppo di pittori De Stijl. Le sue composizioni astratte e neoplastiche non sono frutto di una casualità o di un gusto, ma di una ricerca personale durata molti anni.
Dove nacque Piet Mondrian?
Amersfoort, Paesi Bassi Piet Mondrian/Luogo di nascita
Come doveva essere organizzato un quadro per Mondrian?
Otto linee verticali, parallele, ma collocate a differenti distanze una dall'altra, s'intersecano con quattro linee orizzontali, formando un reticolo di quadrati e rettangoli di diverse misure.
What is Piet Mondriaan famous for?
- Pieter Cornelis "Piet" Mondriaan, after 1906 Mondrian (/ˈmɔːndriˌɑːn, ˈmɒn-/; Dutch: [ˈpit ˈmɔndrijaːn], later [ˈmɔndrijɑn]; – 1 February 1944), was a Dutch painter and theoretician who is regarded as one of the greatest artists of the 20th century.
How did Mondrian get his start in art?
- After a strict Protestant upbringing, in 1892, Mondrian entered the Academy for Fine Art in Amsterdam. He was already qualified as a teacher. He began his career as a teacher in primary education, but he also practiced painting. Most of his work from this period is naturalistic or Impressionistic, consisting largely of landscapes.
What is Pieter Cornelis Mondriaan style?
- Pieter Cornelis Mondriaan. An influential non-representational painter, Piet Mondrian’s art evolved over his lifetime into his own unique style, which he coined “neo-plasticism.” This art was not based on outside artistic influences or on typical techniques, but was instead Mondrian’s interpretation of his deeply felt philosophical beliefs.
What is the purpose of the Mondrian Trust?
- Mondrian/Holtzman Trust The Mondrian Trust, the Estate of Piet Mondrian seeks to promote awareness of Mondrian’s artwork and to ensure the integrity of his work. We intend to carry forward his legacy and influence a new generation of artists. As it is 70 years since Mondrian’s death, his images enter the public domain except in...