What exactly is a threshold?

What exactly is a threshold?

What exactly is a threshold?

threshold \THRESH-hohld\ noun. 1 : the section of wood or stone that lies under a door : sill 2 a : the means or place of entry : entrance b : the place or point of beginning : outset 3 : the point or level at which a physical or mental effect begins to be produced.

Does threshold mean Limit?

A threshold is an amount, level, or limit on a scale. When the threshold is reached, something else happens or changes.

What is an example of a threshold?

The definition of a threshold is the entrance or start of something. An example of threshold is the doorway of a house. An example of threshold is the transition from high school to college. The bottom-most part of a doorway that one crosses to enter; a sill.

What does threshold mean in business?

The word threshold can mean the level at which something is affected by a particular rule or belongs in a particular class, or the level of money earned or income above which individuals or businesses have to pay tax, or must pay a different rate of tax.

How do you use the word threshold?

Threshold in a Sentence 🔉

  1. I knew I had reached my threshold of pain when I had to take a pill for comfort.
  2. Once Jan reached the threshold of depression where she could not get out of bed each day, she knew she needed a therapist.

What does low threshold mean?

The point that must be exceeded to begin producing a given effect or result or to elicit a response: a low threshold of pain.

What is a threshold in the Bible?

By Chad Eckert, MA Family Coach, Youth Treatment Specialist. Life transitions are made of a beginning, middle, and end stage. The threshold is synonymous with the middle stage and is defined as any place or point of entering.

What does threshold mean on a credit card?

A Threshold Amount is the maximum dollar amount allowed per transaction. If a transaction exceeds your defined limit, the transaction is declined. Threshold Amounts will not increase your existing card limits.

What is meant by threshold income?

a limit at which an arrangement changes. For example a tax threshold is the level of income or profit at which you start to pay a tax.

What is a threshold in finance?

A Threshold Amount is the maximum dollar amount allowed per transaction. If a transaction exceeds your defined limit, the transaction is declined.

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