Quanti aveva Pavarotti quando è morto?

Quanti aveva Pavarotti quando è morto?
71 anni giovedì 6 settembre 2007 Luciano Pavarotti durante un concerto. La musica mondiale piange Luciano Pavarotti, il grande tenore italiano, spentosi all'età di 71 anni. Le sue condizioni di salute si erano aggravate da oltre un anno, dopo l'asportazione di un tumore.
Quale era il gioco di carte preferito di Pavarotti?
briscola Oltre a seguire il Modena, la sua grande passione era da sempre la Juventus, che seguiva spesso. HOBBY MODENESI. Oltre a parlare in dialetto modenese con i suoi amici, sappiamo che uno dei giochi preferiti dal tenore era la briscola.
What did Luciano Pavarotti die of?
- Luciano Pavarotti before a recital. Luciano Pavarotti, the bearded opera legend, died early Thursday after a yearlong battle with pancreatic cancer.
Why is Pavarotti so famous?
- His fame multiplied with major televised performances in the 1970s and 1980s, and eventually his teaming up with Placido Domingo and Jose Carreras to form the Three Tenors. Adored for his knack for the spectacle, Pavarotti was ultimately admired most for the sheer splendor of his voice.
How many records did Luciano Pavarotti sell?
- Luciano Pavarotti. He sold over 100 million records, and the first Three Tenors recording became the best-selling classical album of all time. Pavarotti was also noted for his charity work on behalf of refugees and the Red Cross, amongst others. He died from pancreatic cancer on 6 September 2007.
What did Domingo say about Pavarotti after his death?
- Said Domingo in a statement from Los Angeles after his singing partner's death: "I always admired the God-given glory of his voice — that unmistakable special timbre from the bottom up to the very top of the tenor range." Back in Italy, Minister of Culture Francesco Rutelli concluded that, "Luciano Pavarotti was a giant of the 20th century.