A quale corrente artistica appartiene Kirchner?

A quale corrente artistica appartiene Kirchner?
Espressionismo Arte moderna Ernst Ludwig Kirchner/Periodi
Cosa vuole esprimere Kirchner con la sua pittura e qual è il suo stile?
Le sue opere affrontano sempre temi dai connotati drammatici (aspetto caratteristico dello stile pittorico di Kirchner) ed evidente è anche il richiamo alle correnti artistiche dell'Art Nouveau e del cubismo.
Come dipingeva Kirchner?
Oltre ai paesaggi e ai ritratti dipinge immagini urbane, con ampie stesure di colori vigorosi che assumono valore autonomo, al pari delle forme e dei volumi, e che ricordano Gauguin e i selvaggi colpi di pennello di Van Gogh.
Who is Ernst Kirchner?
- Ernst Ludwig Kirchner ( – ) was a German expressionist painter and printmaker and one of the founders of the artists group Die Brücke or "The Bridge", a key group leading to the foundation of Expressionism in 20th-century art.
How did Kirchner Die?
- In 1933, his work was branded as "degenerate" by the Nazis and in 1937, over 600 of his works were sold or destroyed. In 1938, he committed suicide by gunshot. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner was born in Aschaffenburg, Bavaria.
Why did Kirchner use movement in his paintings?
- And, most commonly, he depicted the figure in movement, since he believed that this better expressed the fullness and vitality of the human body. Kirchner's Expressionistic handling of paint represented a powerful reaction against the Impressionism that was dominant in German painting when he first emerged.
When did Kirchner study architecture?
- Kirchner continued studies in Munich , returning to Dresden in 1905 to complete his degree. In 1905, Kirchner, along with Bleyl and two other architecture students, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff and Erich Heckel, founded the artists group Die Brücke ("The Bridge"). From then on, he committed himself to art.