Quanti sono gli episodi di Rocco Schiavone?

Quanti sono gli episodi di Rocco Schiavone?
16 Rocco Schiavone/Numero di puntate
Quando vanno in onda le puntate di Rocco Schiavone?
Stando a quanto anticipa Antonio Mazini nella già citata intervista rilasciata all'Ansa, pare che la data di uscita di Rocco Schiavone 5 sarà individuata nell'autunno 2022.
Quando Rocco Schiavone 4?
La messa in onda di Rocco Schiavone 4 era prevista inizialmente per l'autunno del 2020 è poi slittata alla primavera 2021.
Who is Rocco Schiavone?
- Rocco Schiavone is the main character of the crime novels written by the Italian writer Antonio Manzini. Schiavone is a policeman very proud of his hometown, Rome. That’s the reason why for disciplinary reasons, he has been moved to Aosta a little city in the middle of the Alps.
When is Rocco Schiavone season 4 on Rai1?
- The fiction is back on Rai1 for a fourth season which, although composed of only two episodes, really has a lot to tell us. What will happen during the last episode? The second and final episode of Rocco Schiavone 4, entitled Ah, l'amore, l'amore, airs Wednesday in prime time on Rai1.
What is Rocco Schiavone's Ice Cold Murders about?
- Walter Iuzzolino introduces viewers to the Italian drama series Rocco Schiavone: Ice Cold Murders. *Season 1 in Prime until 11/30* In this compelling thriller, police detective Hanna Svensson steps in to handle a mysterious informant in a criminal organization when her colleague and lover Sven goes missing.
Who is Giuseppe Schiavone?
- Schiavone is a policeman very proud of his hometown, Rome. That’s the reason why for disciplinary reasons, he has been moved to Aosta a little city in the middle of the Alps. But let’s move gradually.