Come riscuotere cashback IO?

Come riscuotere cashback IO?
Il rimborso viene erogato con un bonifico sull'Iban indicato attraverso l'app Io. Per il rimborso di Natale l'Iban deve essere comunicato entro la fine di dicembre. Per gli altri semestri bisogna indicare l'Iban entro la fine del semestre.
Perché il cashback è stato sospeso?
Lo stop di sei mesi, secondo il premier Mario Draghi, è determinato dal fatto che la misura - che aveva per lo Stato un costo complessivo previsto di 4,75 miliardi di euro - rischia di accentuare la sperequazione tra i redditi, favorendo le famiglie più ricche.
What is Italy's New cashback scheme all about?
- Amidst its worst health and economic crisis, Italy has launched yesterday a cashback scheme to incentivize Christmas shopping and counter tax evasion. Combined with the receipt lottery that is going to begin in January 2021, these actions are part of the cashless strategy that the government is implementing.
What is the cashback system and how does it work?
- The cashback system is meant to refund 10% of all payments made by card, up to €1,500 ($1,700) before the end of 2020. But there are some rules: the maximum cashback for every transaction is €15 ($18), even if the single payments are worth more than €150 ($181).
How much will the cashback be refunded in 2020?
- In total, by the end of the year even those who will have made purchases for more than €1,500 ($1,700), will still be refunded a maximum of €150 ($181). Moreover, in order to be entitled to the cashback, customers will need to make at least 10 transactions by the end of 2020.